About The Scientific Village

The "Scientific Village" project is a pioneering initiative that embodies the idea of integrating the tranquil rural environment with the field of science and education. This project aims to create a community that reflects the ideal balance between nature and scientific advancement, where visitors and researchers can immerse themselves in scientific and educational activities while enjoying the peace and relaxation provided by the rural environment. The village is located in the Turkish city of Düzce and is characterized by its design that embraces nature and stimulates creativity and innovation. It is conveniently situated at an approximate distance between the capital, Ankara, and the city of Istanbul.

The project's concept was inspired by a global trend called Homesteading, which focuses on achieving sustainability in providing food, energy, and water sources with a philosophy of continuous and smart sustainability. The idea evolved to extend its benefits beyond the scientific elite under the name "Scientific Village."

The Scientific Village has an independent management and an organizational structure for work, mirroring the global systems in managing sustainable scientific institutions. Our goal is to produce a model that can be replicated in several countries to establish scientific villages that combine the model of sustainable rural life with scientific progress.